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🕹ī¸ Welcome to Level 2

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Definition of LEVEL 2​

Level 1

Stay here if you:

  • Understand the basics from Level 1

  • You're committed to working on climate and need to hone in on a Solution

  • You need to build a solid Information Diet into your weekly routine

Wrong level?​

Back to Level 1

Back to Level 1

You still need the basics

Skip to Level 3

Skip to Level 3

You already picked your climate solution

Lesson Start​

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Lesson Overview

In this lesson you will:​

  • Pick a climate solution to research

  • Build your daily and weekly information diet

  • Build your profile and networking strategy

Pick your climate solution​

You may be tempted to apply for any open roles, regardless of their industry domain.

This is not recommended.

You should try to narrow down your focus to a specific solution.

Why pick a specific solution?

This is a critical step for you to:

  1. Manage your time - research top challenges that you are uniquely positioned to solve

  2. Build your network - offer something to contribute for a specific community

Solution Frameworks​

In Level 1 you learned about the two primary frameworks:

They are all listed in The Handbook under our Solutions Page.

Climate Solutions

Climate Solutions

An overview of all 12 sectors and 93 climate solutions

Where to begin?​

Take a moment to browse, and then come back to this page to plan your Information Diet.

What to look for​

  • Job openings - every Solutions page has a link to job openings by that particular Solution or Sector.

  • Transferrable Skills - some Solutions are very software specific and easier to transfer over from a similar IT role.

  • Industry risk - some industries are better established, like electric vehicles and solar. Other solutions are earlier stage or have more volatility such as carbon markets.

  • Co-benefits - climate change is not our only ecological emergency. We also have a biodiversity crisis. Some solutions offer multiple benefits, such as land conservation and regenerative agricultural which can solve more than one problem. We must also incorporate solutions that intersect with other social challenges like poverty and inequity.

don't overthink it

Climate tech is the next industrial revolution.

Every single thing we do has to be completely transformed.

It's more important that you start on something immediately and not spin your wheels too much.

Start your Information Diet​

What is that?

Your daily and weekly routine.

You'll need 2-10 hours per week to find a Solution and stay up to speed on the latest news.

Resource page​

Our complete set of resources are listed on our Resources page.

Read below for guidance so you aren't overwhelemed.



Newsletters, podcasts, media coverage, and other materials.

Speed and Scale - OKR Tracker​

The Speed and Scale website has an OKR Tracker.

OKR = Objective Key Results.

This is a curated news feed to track progress on particular solution.


Newsletters and Podcasts​

There are many to choose from on our Resources Page.



Find specific episodes within a podcast that pertain to your solution.

Also, look for episodes featuring founders from your Top 10 list of companies.


Topics within a community​

The Work on Climate Slack community has channels based on topics and locations.

You did it!​

You should now have some ideas on where to source your Information Diet and build a study habit for 2-10 hours per week.

Now on to the FINAL level:

Start Level 3

Start Level 3

Pick your TOP 10 companies

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