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We can make it better together.

Climate tech handbook team

How to contribute


Come hang out on Slack and introduce yourself


Explore our code on GitHub

Ways to contribute

  • Submit content

  • Improve our code and design

  • Financially support the project

  • Provide advice and expertise


Contribution Guidelines

XKCD citation needed

To have the best handbook possible, we need three things:

  1. Quality Journalism

  2. Strong Community

  3. Measurable Impact

Quality Journalism

Journalism is about reporting the truth with fairness and accuracy.

Use evidence when you have it.

Wikipedia's verifiability guidelines work well.

If you don't have strong evidence, make it very clear that this is an opinion or speculation.

Measurable Impact

There is a lot of greenwashing out there.

We need to identify misleading information and half-truths about actions that appear meaningful, but fail to make any significant impact.

Strong Community

Positive skepticism

Productive feedback is critical for every contributor.

It is important be skeptical while displaying a respectful attitude when critiquing others.

If you are the one whose ideas are being critiqued, understand that the person critiquing is just trying to help.

Productive debate

Criticize ideas not people.

Community health

Some online communities are remarkably successful, while others are toxic.

Community health is our number one priority.

Be professional and respectful at all times.

more guidelines on this to come